
Tell Amazon and adidas to pay $1 million to workers who made their clothes

This holiday season, many of us gave or received gifts from Amazon and adidas. But workers who made clothing for both companies are not having a happy holiday because after four years, they are still owed over $1 million in severance pay.

In March 2020, at the start of Covid, adidas and Amazon supplier Hulu Garment in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, suspended its entire workforce of 1,020 workers.

Workers were tricked into signing documents saying they resigned. The workers were then collectively denied the severance that would be owed to them if they had not resigned.

Four years on, 500 workers continue to demand payment of the over US $1 million in severance they would be legally owed if they had been fired.

Take action today to urge Amazon and adidas to ensure the workers are paid what they are owed.

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Amazon and adidas – pay your workers!

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John Smith

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