Fossil Fuels

Tell US megabanks: Stop bankrolling fossil fuels causing the climate crisis!

Urge megabanks to finance clean energy for people and planet, not fossil fuels that cause climate chaos.

Since the 2015 Paris Agreement, the world’s 60 largest banks have committed $6.9 trillion to the fossil fuel industry, according to the annual Banking on Climate Chaos report. Almost half of this amount has gone to new oil, gas, and coal projects.

Nine of these top global banks -- JPMorgan Chase, Citibank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, PNC, Truist, and US Bank -- are based in the United States. Together they have bankrolled the fossil fuel industry by over $2 trillion since the Paris Agreement, about 30% of all fossil fuel financing.

These megabanks are funding fossil fuel projects that are destroying communities – from the Mountain Valley Pipeline, with over 400 water quality violations in Virginia and West Virginia; to the LNG export terminals in Gulf South, the carbon bomb equivalent of 345 coal plants; to fracking Ohio state parks and wildlife areas that are supposed to be protected public lands.

We need you to send a letter to US bank executives today. Tell these megabanks to finance clean energy for people and planet, not fossil fuels that cause climate chaos.

TAKE ACTION: Tell US megabanks to stop financing the climate crisis!

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Take Action: Megabanks must stop financing dirty energy

This message will be sent to 150+ executives at Chase, Citi, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, PNC, Truist, and US Bank.

First Name, Last Name, Email and citations will be used as a sign-off on the petition. Example:

John Smith
[email protected]

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