Tell restaurants to say NO to genetically engineered salmon!

The largest grocery retailers, food service companies, and many large restaurants have said no to GMO salmon – but restaurants like Long John Silvers, Hard Rock Cafe, and Landry’s Inc. could decide to sell unlabeled GMO salmon.


GMO salmon pose a risk to the environment, to people’s health, and to the way of life of fishing and Indigenous communities. It should not be sold in restaurants – and certainly not unlabeled.

We need your help to convince major restaurant chains to follow the lead of the largest grocery retailers and food service companies and top restaurants and reject GMO salmon before it’s too late!

Sign now and help protect the environment and communities from GMO salmon. We are proud to be adding our voices to this work of Friends of the Earth.

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Tell restaurants to say NO to genetically engineered salmon!

Please do not sell GMO salmon 

Dear Restaurant CEO, 

I urge your company to help protect wild salmon, our health and fishing communities by committing to not sell genetically engineered salmon. I only want to do business with restaurants that have made this commitment.  

GMO salmon pose an ecological, public health, economic risks and threaten the livelihoods and traditions of Northwest Tribes and fishing communities. GMO salmon could outcompete and displace native salmon populations and scientists have raised concerns about increased risk of allergic reactions from consuming GMO salmon.  

Over 80 food retailers, such as Walmart, Costco, and Kroger, the three largest food service companies (Aramark, Sodexo and Compass Group), as well as major restaurants like Red Lobster and Legal Seafood, have made commitments to not sell GMO salmon. I urge your company to join them.  

Thank you.

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