Freedom To Invest

Tell Your Representative: Protect My Freedom To Invest Responsibly

This month, against all common sense, House committees are sending two bills that encompass a broad attack on responsible investing to the House floor for a vote.

HR 4790, “Prioritizing Economic Growth over Woke Policies Act” and HR 5339, “Protecting Americans’ Investments from Woke Policies Act” roll together eight previous bills that attack all aspects of responsible investing.

Among other things, these bills would:

  • Allow companies to decide if they want to disclose things like carbon emissions
  • Give companies sole discretion on whether to add a shareholder resolution to its proxy ballot
  • Require banking regulators to report any interactions with a climate organization to Congress
  • Require retirement plans to designate certain funds as “prudently selected” and others as “not prudently selected”

HR 4790 and HR 5339 are an attempt by self-serving politicians funded by Big Oil to slow the energy transition, attack corporate progress, and roll back corporate commitments.

The House Sustainable Investment Caucus, led by Reps. Sean Casten (IL-06) and Juan Vargas (CA-52) is fighting back. But it needs more members – and that’s where you come in. 

Tell your House Representative: Protect my freedom to invest responsibly by joining the Sustainable Investment Caucus.

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