Freedom To Invest

Tell Your Representative: Protect My Freedom To Invest Responsibly

The House Financial Services Committee is holding not one but seven hearings this month attacking our ability to make investments based on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations.

They committee doesn't want us putting our retirement and college savings accounts into funds that support climate action, diversity and inclusion, or good corporate governance.

They don’t want us voting on shareholder resolutions that hold corporations accountable for how they treat their workers, communities, and the environment. And they definitely don’t want the SEC to issue a rule requiring companies to disclose their carbon emissions. But some members of Congress are fighting back.

Reps. Sean Casten (IL-06) and Juan Vargas (CA-52) have launched the Sustainable Investment Caucus. This caucus is explaining the need for responsible investing and correcting misinformation promulgated by fossil-fuel-funded organizations and think tanks. But the Sustainable Investment Caucus needs more members – and that’s where we come in.

Tell your House Representative: Protect my freedom to invest responsibly by joining the Sustainable Investment Caucus.

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